White Noise for Babies – How myHummy Helps with Sleep & Soothing


White Noise for Babies – How myHummy Helps with Sleep & Soothing

Survey on the Use of White Noise

In recent years, the use of white and pink noise has become a very popular part of baby bedtime routines. Stories about babies falling asleep to the sound of a vacuum cleaner have been circulating for decades. Our experience shows that white noise helps babies sleep. But what does research say?

Researchers Ask Parents

Scientists from the Medical University of Silesia in Bytom decided to examine how parents use humming sounds to calm and soothe their babies. An anonymous study was conducted, in which parents evaluated the effectiveness of white noise generated by devices designed for babies and young children.

How Can myHummy Help?

Up to 50% of survey participants admitted that they chose a white noise sleep aid because all other methods to calm their baby had failed. In 80% of cases, parents had previously tried singing lullabies or playing classical music. Nearly 20% of parents opted for a white noise device right after birth.

These findings highlight how often a humming teddy bear becomes a last-resort solution for parents. At the same time, 20% of parents decided to use myHummy from the very beginning.

Sometimes, myHummy is gifted at baby showers. Could there be a more useful present? Parents receive a device that emits white and pink noise (as well as rainfall, heartbeat, and ocean wave sounds) from day one. They can start using it during their hospital stay or immediately after birth.


How Does myHummy Help?

Almost one-third of the parents who participated in the survey used white noise mainly during the first six months of their child's life.

This supports the findings of Dr. Harvey P. Karp, who introduced the concept of the “fourth trimester”—the first three months of a baby’s life. According to Dr. Karp, human babies are born prematurely, before being fully developed and ready for the outside world.

A newborn’s nervous system takes about three months to mature and adjust to new conditions. During this time, babies are hypersensitive to stimuli and need constant closeness with their mothers. Moreover, because they cannot yet produce melatonin, newborns do not have an established circadian rhythm.

Interestingly, 23.3% of parents continue using myHummy for over a year. myHummy can be used at any age and sometimes helps preschoolers relax after an exciting day at daycare.


How Often Do Parents Use myHummy?

Almost 25% of parents in the survey use myHummy at least three times a day, while 24.1% turn it on twice a day. Nearly 50% of parents confirmed that white noise has become an important part of their daily routine.

More than 28% of parents use a white noise device about once a day. myHummy is particularly effective during bedtime routines, helping babies relax after a long, stimulating day. It can be used alongside a relaxing bath to signal that bedtime is approaching.


myHummy – A Baby’s Best Friend

Nearly 50% of parents place the white noise device in the crib, while 40% keep it on a bedside table.

The volume level is usually set to low or medium, depending on the distance between the teddy bear and the baby. The soothing sounds of myHummy create ideal sleep conditions for newborns.

A staggering 80% of parents confirmed that myHummy positively impacts their baby’s mood and behavior. Thanks to myHummy, babies calm down, stop crying, and gently fall asleep.

According to over 94% of parents, using a white noise device had no negative effects in terms of increased anxiety, excessive crying, or hearing issues.


The research conducted by scientists at the Medical University of Silesia aligns with the conclusions of Dr. J.A.D. Spencer. His studies, conducted in the late 20th century, were among the first to demonstrate that white noise has a positive impact on the sleep of newborns and infants in 80% of cases.

Parents love this humming teddy bear—and research confirms it! myHummy really works! It brings hope to all those who have tried everything to help their little ones settle down and sleep.

According to a survey conducted by myHummy, 82% of respondents would recommend using white noise devices to soothe babies.